Junior Developer Resume

My photo

1. First Name, Last Name

Ihar Yakubouski

2. Contact Info

Address:Republik of Belarus, Brest, Luckaya 62A-10

Mobile phone:+375292257639




3. Summary:

I like world of technology. I want to be part of people, who produce innovation and develop new technologies. Unfortunately, I don’t have big experience in this field, but I am ready to study and to develop my skills. My current work doesn’t give me such opportunity. Also I have a good character trait - sense of purpose.

4. Skills:

5. Code examples:

  function check(a,x) {
        var contain = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
          if (x === a[i]) {
            contain = true;
        return contain;


I have practiced in markup on the courses of Htmlacademy during few months. Also I have started to learn Javascript, I try to train in Codewars


I have knowledge of English on level A2, but I continue to learn it. Nowadays I have classes is private teacher.